Breaking out of the Trap of Comparison

May 23, 2021

When you compare yourself to others, you limit WHO YOU ARE!

High performers are acutely aware of the stories they tell themselves. 

Are the stories you're telling yourself going to take you to where you want to go?

That's the ultimate question for us to ask ourselves.

When we find ourselves comparing ourselves with someone else's success all we end up doing is limiting who we are.

In this video, I'll show you how you can step outside of the comparison trap so that you can let your own genius shine.

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Why's It So Hard to Know What You Really Want to Do?!

May 17, 2021

This isn't what I really want to be doing!

Have you ever said this?

It's normal to dwell on that which we don't want.  But how clear are you on what you really desire to create?

Being clear on what you really want to do can change everything!  But it's not easy to get the clarity and to really know what we want.


In this video, I share what's really occurring and how you can cut through the noise and become more aware of what you desire.


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Getting Your Arms Around Imposter Syndrome

May 07, 2021

"The amateur fears, above all else, becoming (and being seen and judged as) his or her self."  -- Steven Pressfield (from Turning Pro)

I was 24 years old and had just been given my first team to lead.

Externally, I was like GAME ON, LET'S DO THIS!

But on the inside, "who am I to lead and train salespeople?"

For 9 years, this voice got louder and louder.   "What if I get seen for who I really am--that they see the truth that I really don't know what I'm doing."

Let me tell you how to get your hands around imposter syndrome...oh and btw it's not what you think!


Your coach,

Note: The book I mention from Steven Pressfield is called The War of Art (not the art of war) - click here to get a copy for yourself.

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The Greatest Gift You Can Give: Personal Ownership

Apr 27, 2021

At 11 years old, I was roping in the county fair rodeo.

But I wasn't a real cowboy...

I didn't grow up on a ranch. We didn't own cattle.

Growing up, I worked in a small-town grocery store.

But everything changed, when my mom, Lisa, met Bruce.

As a business owner and leader, you have an opportunity to give your people a great gift.

That gift is personal ownership.

I promise you that if you expect more from others, they'll expect more from themselves.  

In this video, I share a personal story with you that will change the way you think about a key role you play for the people you lead.

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When You Find It Hard to Start (Do This!)

Apr 21, 2021

Every time I had an idea, I'd turn it into an even bigger idea.

It'd become so big and so complicated that it never got off the ground.

I don't have time to do that!

How would I do that, with all that I have going on already?

Have you ever let what's ideal get in the way of just getting started?

That's what I was doing.  GO BIG OR GO HOME, right?

Well not if you can't get yourself to begin stepping out of the house, first!

If you have a desire to create something new in your business and life but have had a hard time getting started, you might be falling into this same trap.

In this video, I share the 3 swing thoughts that I use to get me unstuck and MOVING!

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What Are You Not Saying That Needs to Be Said?

Apr 18, 2021

In our attempt to not hurt others' feelings they never hear what needs to be heard.

If you've ever felt like you're walking on eggshells with a team member, your spouse, or anyone, then you know what I'm referring to.

...and most of us (if not all) have been here!

By you not saying what needs to be said, the other person never hears what needs to be heard. 

You never get your needs met and you go on tolerating more of what you don't want in your business, on your team, and most tragically your life!

What if you were to focus on getting your needs met, to saying more of what needs to be said?

What if "good enough" isn't good enough.

How could you communicate your truth to others effectively?

I say your truth because we each have a perspective. 

Whenever we communicate with someone our goal is to understand each other's perspective.

Once this happens the real conversation of solving issues and moving forward can occur.

So where are you holding...

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The #1 Ingredient to Effective Confrontation

Apr 09, 2021

I was pissed!

It still wasn't done!  We talked about it two weeks ago and I even checked in last week.  

I couldn't have been more clear and it still wasn't done-done.

It was kind of done but not really.

This wasn't the first time either, this has been happening for months!  Things just weren't finished the way I wanted them to be.

"How can I better support you?"

"What do you need from me?"

The response I'd hear, "nothing, I'm good, I'll get it done."

In his mind, IT WAS DONE... 

But it wasn't really done!

So, I'd be frustrated and finish it myself. 

"This isn't ok, I'm not putting up with this much longer!  I'm getting tired of having to finish his work!"

A friend asked me, "what if I were to ask HIM how things are going...?"

He'd say, "it's all good!" 


That's when I realized, this was on me!  I wasn't expressing to him what I really expected.

How was I contributing to this difficult situation?

I wasn't being honest!


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CEO Business Owners Know Something Most People Don't

Mar 13, 2021

Martha Graham, who danced all the way to her grave at age 96 years old, has this to say about the journey of all artists.

"There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening
that is translated through you into action,
and because there is only one of you in all time,
this expression is unique.

If you block it,
it will never exist through any other medium
and be lost.
The world will not have it.

It is not yours to determine how good it is;
nor how it compares with other expressions.
It is your business to keep the channel open.
You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work.

You have to keep open and aware directly
to the urges that motivate you.
Keep the channel open.

No artist is ever pleased.
There is no satisfaction whatever at any time.
There is only a queer divine dissatisfaction;
a blessed unrest that keeps us marching
and makes us more alive than the others."

The greatest gift you have as an entrepreneur is what Martha Graham calls "a blessed unrest". 


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How Do I Become More Consistent in My Business?

Feb 14, 2021

Do you ever struggle with staying consistent in your business?

I remember becoming overwhelmed by all the problems and stuff that had to be done.

There was anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.  The more I pursued my goals the louder it became.

Is something wrong with me?  Maybe I should just slow down, pull back, lower my expectations...

Then I'd be thinking, "why can't I be more consistent?"

How is it that some people just seem to be so consistent at growing their business and I'm over here struggling my ass off?

Where focus goes, energy flows.

And my focus was off...

In this short video, I'm going to share with you the #1 focus shift that made me and the clients I work with more consistent and energized!  

It's so simple but not common practice.



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Do You Suffer From Short Term Planning Fatigue?

Feb 08, 2021

Goals aren't a place to get to, they are a place to come from.

- Rich Litvin


What's your relationship with setting big goals in your business? 

There's magic in thinking big--but bigger isn't always better.

Far too often, I'd sit down at the beginning of the year and set some BIG goals.

A month into the year, I'd look at my goals.

"Damn, how am I going to get there?

It's kind of funny because in January when I wrote them out I was jacked!  

"What changed?"

I start to realize how busy I am, limited on resources, and time.

"Well, maybe I'm just overextended, maybe I should renegotiate with myself what I can get done this year..."

I was suffering from short-term goal-setting without answering this fundamental and powerful question first.

"What did I want to be the best at?"

It wasn't another S.M.A.R.T goal or three-year plan that I lacked. 

It was knowing what I really wanted and committing myself to create it. (no matter how long it took)


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